
The way to overcome division and conflict from the view point of Shinto

Dear religious, political and civil society leaders from all around the world.
Ladies and Gentlemen!
I am truly grateful to participate in such a holy and meaningful conference.
Today, I would like to share my proposal to solve the problems of humanity
from the view point of Shinto.
First, I would like to tell you that fundamental objective of Shinto is to build
a peaceful world under God. In other words, Shinto has completely the same
philosophy with UPF, ACLC, IAPD, and IAPP.
The symbol of Shinto is the mirror. We pray to God facing to the mirror.
Because the mirror is a symbol of the truth of spirituality, or life. It
represents re-creation as well as restoring the relationship between God
and humanity. When we face to the mirror, the mirror reflects our
appearance as we are. This is quite obvious for us. However, we can find
the extremely important law of life in it.

If my heart is full of love, the mirror will reflect a loving face. On
the other hand, if my heart is full of hatred, the mirror will reflect
an hateful face.

n Shinto, an image on the mirror is the metaphor in which we can see the
truth that the phenomena of this world are reflections of human
Therefore, if we work harder on purifying our subconsciousness, this
world will be more peaceful. This is so called the principle of "the law
of the mirror" in Shinto. Thus, Shinto is the way to overcome division
and conflict, and the way to bring unity by purifying human
subconsciousness which is filled with negative mind ,or Satan. By the
way, How can we purify our subconsciousness? We need to pray to God,
breathing with holy spirit in our abdomen, or in the Hara in Japanese.
We, Japanese people believe that holy spirit, or the light of God stays
abdomen. This is written in" Kojiki", the scripture of Shinto.
According to the Old Testament, God breathed into Adam's nostrils "the
breath of life", or "the light of God", and he became a living soul.
That is to say, the mystery of breathing is not only the sacred
principle of Shinto, but also the eternal truth that applies to all
people beyond the religions.

In addition, I would like to tell you that the most effective and
simplistic way of breathing with holy sprit in our abdomen, or purifying
our subconsciousness is always wearing single support getas. The reason
why I recommend you wear single support getas is based on the mithology
of Kojiki, the scripture of Shinto, in which Sarutahiko descended from
Heaven with single support getas. He is always walking on the single
support getas at Shinto festivals through out japan. This is my proposal.

We are now facing to a major turning point in the history of humanity,
and there are many problems which seem to be so difficult to overcome.
But no one can stop our enthusiasm to bring one family under God on the
earth, because we have the miraculous guidance of the Lord of the Second
Coming, our true parents. Now everyone, let's work together more closely
to build a peaceful world under God. Thank you so much.



2016年(平成28年)7月11日第3回吉田所長を偲ぶ会の感想  渡邊幸生