世界平和と絶対価値 李 相憲   第3回に8巻教授統一思想シンポジューム 基調講演   1985年2月9日から13日  箱根プリンスホテル  韓國と日本の教授の皆さまがた、自由中国、フィリピン、タイラントから來られた教授の 皆様、そして、その他の参席者の皆樣、本第三回のシンポジウムにおいて、再び皆様に お會いてきましたことを心からうれしく思うのであります。また、今回も、公的私的に、 ご多忙にもかかわらず、このように多くのかたがたが参席してくださったことに対して 深く感謝の意を表する次第であります。  本日、私が発表しようとする主題は「世界平和と絶対価値」であります。結論から先にお 話しすれば、今E]の世界釣な混乱を収拾し平和を定着させるためには、絶対価値の実現が 必要であるということを披瀝しようとするのであります。 ではヽこれから。いくつかの項目を分けて本主題を論じようとするのでございます。 (1)今日の世界状況  今日の世界状況を端的に表現すれば、暴力乱舞の時代であるといえるのであります。ま た弱肉強食の時代、あるいは倫理喪失の時代であるともいえるのであります。これを一 言で、大混乱の時代であると表現しようとするのであります。対立と闘争、戦争、衝突、紛 争、そして拉致、破壊、放火、殺人等の暴力沙汰が世界をおおうており、これにより、無 数なる人命が犠牲になっているのであります。  そして、富の偏在によって多くの人民が貧困に呻吟しており、遠くアフリカ大陸におい ては数百万名が飢餓線上においてただ今死にひんしつつあるのであります。そして世界の 多くの個所において権力の濫用が行われており、多くの大衆が搾取・抑圧、監禁等によっ て苦しんでおるのであり、一方、成年層、未成年層を問わず、また東洋∠西洋を尚わず、 倫竰的・道徳的退廃が日毎に甚だしくなっているのであります。  それにまた、アメリカとソ連を巾心とする東西陣営の対立、終末を知らない中東紛争、 韓半島を中心とする東北アジアの緊張、第三世界と先進諸国間のいわゆる南北問題、そし て人種問題と宗教紛争、およびその他の雑多な問題が互いにからみ合って世界の混乱をよ り一層悪化させているであります。                    ー1ー (2)既存の収拾方案の失敗  長い間世界の指導者たちは、政治・経済・社会・文化・教育・宗教など多くの領域にお いて提起される数かずの難問題の解決のために最善の努力をしてきました、けれども、そ のいずれも予想どうりの解決がなされておらず、のみならずさらに多くの難問題が續出 しておって、混乱は日毎に加重されながら、世界状況は今や破局に向かって進んでいるの であります。  これは何を意味するのでありましようか、それは今日までの民主主義も共産主義も、そ して宗教も哲学も、今IIの人類を危機から救い出すことができなくなったことを意味する のであります。  本来、民主主義は人間の権利の平等と多数決主義でもって、国家と世界の問題を解決す ることを目標として出現したのであります。しかし、今日 民主主義の標木とも言えるア メリカは世界問題の解決はさておいて、かえって時代の発展の推移にひきつられて、ヽ方 向を失っているのであります。  一方、共産主義は革命でもって社会主義を実現し、資本主義社会の構造的矛盾と社会悪 を一掃し、労働者・農民を解放すると約束してきたにもかかわらず、今日。ソ連の例を皃 るとき、資本主義社会におけるよりも より……一層の矛盾と社会悪を現わしており、 よりl睛だしい搾取と抑圧、監禁を恣行しているのであります。  そして宗教は人類の精神を善導しなければならない本然の使命を忘却し、信仰は形式 化されたまま、教権紛争をこととしており、日毎に世俗化つつあるのであります。  また哲学は哲学者たちの労苦と理論の繊密性にもかかわらず、現実とは遊離されたまま、 観念的に流れて、今日の世界問題解決にはなんらの助けともなっていないのであります。 かくして今日人類は、民主主義。にも、共産主義にも、宗教や・哲学にも期待をかけえなく なったのであります。世界混乱を収拾するための今日までのすべての方案は、結局失敗 したといわざるをえないのであります。このように世界の混乱が収拾されない状況にお いては世界の平和はこれを期待することができないのであります。                     −2−      (3)混乱収拾の失敗原因  なぜならば、神の愛を正しく実践するためには、神の愛がどんなものであるかを より具体的に知らなければならないし、そのためには先に神の実存を認めなければならず、 一歩進んで神の属性と神の創造目的までも正しく理解しなければならないからでありま す。しかしここでは、それをいちいち扱うことは、残念ながらできないのであります。 ただ神の愛が実践される時、なぜ和解が成立し、混乱が収拾されるかを統一思想の立場か ら簡単に論じようとするのであります。  愛は対象をよくなさしめ、喜ばせてやろうという情的な力であります。神はこのような 愛を万人や万物に常に施しているであります。太陽が昔も今も万物をあまねく照らして いるのと同じであります。それで神の愛は時間と場所を超越した絶対的な愛であります。  このような愛が実践される時双方問に容易に和解が成立するのはその愛が利己心を圧 倒するからであります。 これは価値観が変化するのを意味するのであります。すなわ ち、善の観点、真、の観点が変わってくることを意味するのであります。すなわち、神の愛 を実践すればそれまで自己のもの、自己の個人、自己の民族、自己の国家、自己の宗派 だけを中心とするのが善であり 真であるとみなしてきた その観点が変わって、相手方 の個人、民族、。国家も、相手の宗教も自己のものと同じくらいに、これに、ためになって やるのが沓であり、真であるという観点をとるようになるということを意味するのであり ます。従って双方がみな共に神の愛を実践すれば、双方の善の観点。真の観点が一致する ようになるのは言うまでもありません。すなわち、両方が共に相手方のためになってや るのが善であり、真であると同時に、お彑に衍になるという観念を持つようになって善や 真の基準が一致してくるのであります。これがすなわち価値観の一致であります。神の 愛が実現される時容易に和解が成立するのはその時双方の価値観が一致してくるからで あります。  従って全世界の指導者たちによって神の愛が実践されれば、全世界の価値観もやはり一 致してくるのは勿論であり、これによってすべての対立と闘争が終息し、世界の混乱が収 拾されるでありましよう。この時はじめて真なる平和が定着してぐるでありましよう。  神の愛は時間と場所を超越した絶対的な愛であるために、神の愛を実践する時に現われ る価値(真、善、美)は絶対価値であります。従って真なる世界平和のためには世界の指導 者たちによって絶対価値が実現されねばならないという結論がここに立てられるのであり ます。今日こそ恒久的な世界平和のために神の愛を基盤とする絶対価値の運動が切実に要 求される時であると言わざるをえないのであります。  以上「世界平和と絶対価値」という主題でもって、私の見解を披瀝したのであります。  終わりに本シンポジウムにおいて、皆さまの貴重な論文発表と真摯な討論を通じて、世 界平和のために輝かしい成果があげられることを衷心からお願いしながらこれで私の話を 終わらせていただきたいのであります。ありがとうございます。   -3− World Peace and Absolute Value Sang Hun Lee  Korean and Japanese Professors・ the Professors from Free China, PhVppines arid Thailand, l am really happy to see you again at this third Symposium. I also sincerely express my heart of gratitude for so many of you participating in it in spite of your being busy publicly and privately。  The theme of my speech today is “World Peace and Absolute Value". To jump to the condusion・ l am going to expound that, in order to settle the present-day confu- sion of the world, and let peace be established, it is necessary to realize the absolute value。  Then, I am going to discuss this theme by dividing it under the following sub・ titles:    (1)T'he Present・day Situation of the World, (2) The failure of Traditional Method of Settling the Problems, (3)The Cause of Failure in Settling the Con- fusion, (4) God's Providence and Absolute Love, and (5) World Peace and Absolute Value. (1)The Present-day Situation of the World  To describe the present-day situation of the world in short, l can express it in terms of the Era of Rampant Violence, the Era of the Stronger Preying upon the Weaker, or the Era of Ethics Lost. In even shorter terms, l am going to eχpress it as the Era of Great Confusion. Antagonisms and struggle, war, coVsion, and violence including conflict, kidnap, destruction, setting fire, manslaughter and so on, are covering the world, and thereby countless lives of men are being made sacrifice of。  Also many people are suffering in poverty due to the unbalance of wealth. In the far-away African Continent millions of people are faVng down in the midst of star・ vation right at this moment. And in many parts of the world the abuse of power is practised, and many of the masses of people are suffering in exploitation, oppres- sion, confinement, etcりand on the other hand, the depravity of ethics and morality is daily growing greater, whether among adults or among adolescents, 0r whether in the Orient or in the Occident。  Besides, the antagonisms between Eastern and Western camps centering 0n the United States and Soviet Gnion, never-ending Middle East conflict, tensions in - 1 - North-Eastern Asia centering on the Korean Peninsula, so-ca】ted rヽtorth・South pro- blems between the Third World and advanced countries, racial problems, religious conflicts, and other miscellaneous problems, tangling with one another,・ are deteriorating the confusion of the world. (2)The Failure (Bankruptcy) of Traditional Method of Settling Problems  World leaders paid their best efforts for a long time in order to solve numerous dif- ficult problems posed in many fields including politics, economy, society, culture, education, religion, etc・. However, no 900d solution has been made in any of the problems; not only that, more of difficult problems are continually arising, and con- fusion is being increased day by day, and world situation cannot but be described as proceeding toward destruction。  What does this mean? It means that the existing democracy and communism, religion and philosophy, have come to fail in delivering the present-day mankind from its crisis。  0「iginally democracy arose with the goal of settling the problems of the nation and of the world through equality in human rights and majority rule. However, to・ day the United States, which may be called the specimen (model) of democracy, has lost its direction, being swaved by the transition of the development of the times, much less settling the prob】ems of the world.  On the other hand, communism, in spite of its having promised to realize socialism through revolution, to eradicate the structural contradictions and social evils of capitalist society, and to liberate the working men arid farmers, is eχposing greater contradictions and social evils than those of capitalist society, and is practis- ing exploitation, oppression and confinement to a more considerable degree。  And religion, forgetting its original mission t0 guide the spirit of mankind toward goodness, is indulged in the conflicts over the church power, while faith remaining formalized, and is being secularized day by day.  Philosophy, in spite of philosophers' hard efforts and its theoretical sophistica- tion, is left isolated from reality, lapsing into idealism, and fails to be of any help for settling today's problems of the world. Thus, today it has become impossible for mankind to place any hope on either democracy or communism, 0r either religion or philosophy・ We can not but say that every existing method for solving the confu- sion of the world, has ended in failure after all. In this way, one can not eχpect the −2- peace of the world in the situation where the confusion of the world can not be set- tied. (3)The Cause of failure in Settling the Confusion  For a long time mankind has placed hope on the methods of settlement by the leaders with an earnest hope for peace in their minds, but a11 0f this hope has not been fulfilled as of today. What is the cause of the failure of the world leaders in solving the confusion?  They have failed because they do not take into consideration the fact of God's Providence in analyzing the fundamental cause of the confusion of the world. In the position of democracy following the principle of separation of ponti(:s and religion, it may seem impossible to take God's Providence into consideratior! in searching for the method oPsettling the problems. Nevertheless, it is also the fact that no fun- damental settlement of the problems is possible when one disregards the Pro- violence of God.    l am going to explain this concretely in the below・  Let us consider, for eχamPle, the relations between Iraque and Iran, The two na- tions, though they are both Islamic countries, have been engaging in the war for the past years. While both are suffering from immense amount of human and material losses, they are continuing the war in which neither seems to win victory. I think the cause of this war may be analyzed from various aspects. One may hold that multi- lateral conditions and factors relating with politics, economy, society, culture, religion, history, geography, foreign policy, and so on, being combined, form the cause of the war. And yet, in short, the internal cause of the war lay in the conflict of interests between the two countries. l consider that this can not be denied by anyone. For, when the interests of two sides are in accord, there is no possibVty for a war to occur.  Then,what is the cause of the conflict on interests? It is namely egoism. I hold that the conflict of interests between the same Islamic countries occurred because of their national egoism, which seeks their own interests and because of their religious egoism, which seeks their own interests for their own religious sect.  By the way, the problem lies in the next point. The leaders of the two countries not only hold their national egoism and religious egoism to be proper, but even hold that pursuing them is good, unlike the case of egoism of an individual person.                      −3− which is usually regarded as evil. Therefore, unless it is considered to be beneficial to stop the war, the war will continue. This is the problem. Numerous incidents tak- ing place in all over the world are, when they are analyzed, derived from such egoism after all. rヽtonetheless, no one holds that point to be the problem, nor tries to solve the point. Thus, different forms of egoistic way of thinking are9「actually deepened and expanded, and the confusion of the world has now come to an even irrecoverable stage. The enemy to world peace proves, in reality, to be this “egoism". Therefore, the leaders of the world should appreciate this fact, and study the method of conquering many forms of egoism induding national egoism. As long as they do not do it, it cannot but be said that the future of mankind is only gloomy・ (4) God's Providence and Absolute Love  Here comes to arise the necessity to take God's Providence into consideration・ God's fundamental attribute is Heart and love, and when that love appears fight will change into reconciliation・ For egoism can be overcome easily by the love of God. Since God carries on the dispensation of history intentionally with definite laws, and because the Final goal of the Providence is a world of peace fil】ed with love. what the God of Providence wishes for is neither violence nor battle but tolerance and reconcVation、Therefore, the war is a deviation from the WVof God, whether it is the war between nations or the war between religious sects.  Because the realization of peace through love is the purpose of Gods Pro・ vidence, where the love of God is practised, not only various forms of violence but also unbalance of wealth, abuse of power, racial discrimination, religious conflicts and many other sins and crimes and depravity will disappear. For where love is practised, there God dwells. and yet, if a deviation from the WVof God lasts Jong・ misfortune befalls to the ones concerned according to the definite laws of Pro- vidence. Mencius once dared to clarify that "the one who disobeys Heaven wV perish, and the one who obeys Heaven wVeχ1st (survive)". Seeing from God's Pro- vidence, this is the very proper teaching. If the ones concerned in a given event understand such a fact surely, then their thinking, in establishing the method of set- tling the problems, wVchange, and they will come to seek for reconciliation more actively (so as not to defy the WVofGod).lt was for this reason that l pointed out that the Providence of God should be taken into consideration in analyzing the                       −4− cause of the confusion of the world and in searching for the method of settling the problems, as I covered in the above. (5) World Peace and Absolute Value 1 clarified so far that, only when the love of God is practised, war and confusion can come to an end radically. However, it is not easy at all to practise the love of God. For, in order to practise the love of God properly, one must know concretely what the love of God is like, and for that sake, one first needs to recognize the real existence of God, and furthermore, one needs to understand even the attributes of God and His Purpose of Creation correctly. And yet, 1 cannot deal with them one by one here. 1 am going to discuss simply from the position of Unification Thought on why confusion is settled and reconciliations is formed when the love of God is prac- tised. Love is an emotional power to make the object well and to please it. God is always providing all men and all things with that kind of love. It is the same as the sun shines on all things everywhere now as in the past. Thus the love of God is ab- solute love transcending time and place. When that kind of love is practised, reconciliation is easily formed between the two sides, because such love overwhelms egoistic minds. It means that their views of value change. That is to say, their viewpoint of goodness and viewpoint of truth will come to change. In other words, when the love of God is practised, the tradi- tional viewpoint that centering on oneself―one's own individual, race, nation, and religious sect―is good and true, will alter. And one will come to take such a view- point that it is also good and true for one to serve for other individuals, races, na- tions, and religious sects as much as, for one's own. Accordingly, if the two sides practise the love of God together, then it goes without saying that their viewpoints of goodness and truth will come to be in accord. In other words, they will come to have such a concept that it is not only good and true for them to serve for each other, but also mutually benificial, and their standards of goodness and truth will come to coincide. It is the very accord to their views of value. When the love of God is realized , reconciliation will be easily produced because their views of value will come to coincide. Therefore, if the love of God is practised by the leaders of the entire world, it is a matter of course that their views of value will also come to coincide,, and all an- tagonisms and struggles will thereby come to an end, and disorder of the world will - 5 - come to be settled. Only then will true peace come to be established. Since the love of God is absolute love transcending time and place, the values (truth, goodness and beauty) which appear when the love of God is practised, are the absolute values. Consequently, the conclusion is established here that the ab- solute value ought to be realized by the leaders of the world for the sake of true world peace. I cannot but say that today is the very moment when the movement of the absolute value based on the love of God is keenly urged for the sake of ever- lasting peace of the world. I have so far disclosed my view under the title of "World Peace and Absolute Value". Lastly, I hope sincerely that a brilliant result may be brought about in this symposium for the sake of the peace of the world through your valuable paper- presentations and earnest discussions. Let me conclude my speech now. Thank vou. - 6 -